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Subject Verb Agreement Portions Sums and Measurements

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Publicado em 11 nov 2022

Subject-verb agreement is a crucial aspect of English grammar that ensures coherence and clarity in written communication. It is essential to know when to use a singular or plural verb in a sentence to match the number of the subject. When it comes to portions, sums, and measurements, there are some specific rules to follow.


When referring to portions, it is crucial to determine whether the portion is singular or plural. If the portion is singular, use a singular verb. For example, “one-third of the cake is missing.” In this case, `is` is the correct verb to use because `one-third` is a singular subject.

If the portion is plural, use a plural verb. For example, “two-thirds of the students have completed their assignment.” In this case, `have` is the correct verb to use because `two-thirds` is a plural subject.


When referring to sums, follow the rule of proximity. If the sum is closer to the subject, use the same number as the subject. For example, “Five dollars are required to complete the purchase.” In this case, `are` is the correct verb to use because the subject `five dollars` is plural.

If the sum is not closer to the subject, use a singular verb. For example, “The total cost of the purchase is five dollars.” In this case, `is` is the correct verb to use because the subject `total cost` is singular.


When referring to measurements, use a singular verb, even if the measurement includes a plural unit of measurement. For example, “Two cups of sugar is required for the recipe.” In this case, `is` is the correct verb to use because the subject `two cups` is singular.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is crucial in ensuring clear and coherent communication. When dealing with portions, sums, and measurements, it is essential to follow specific rules to use the correct verb tense. By mastering these rules, you can improve your writing and communication skills, making your messages more effective.