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When Did the Us Join the Paris Climate Agreement

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Publicado em 8 mar 2023

When Did the US Join the Paris Climate Agreement?

The Paris Climate Agreement is a pact between nations of the world to combat climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It was signed in 2015 and came into effect in November 2016. The US, under President Barack Obama, was one of the signatories to the agreement. However, the US withdrew from the agreement under the Trump administration in 2017.

The Paris Climate Agreement is a landmark agreement that seeks to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. It aims to do this by reducing carbon emissions and enhancing the capacity of countries to adapt to the adverse effects of climate change. The agreement has been ratified by 189 countries, including the United States.

After the US joined the Paris Climate Agreement in 2016, it was seen as a significant step towards global cooperation on climate change. However, the Trump administration announced in 2017 that it would withdraw from the agreement. This move was met with widespread criticism from the international community, environmental activists, and US citizens who supported the agreement.

The withdrawal of the US from the Paris Climate Agreement was a significant setback for global efforts to combat climate change. The US is one of the world`s largest emitters of greenhouse gases and a key player in the fight against climate change. Its departure from the agreement sent a negative signal to other countries, undermining the agreement`s effectiveness.

However, in January 2021, the US rejoined the Paris Climate Agreement under the Biden administration. President Biden had promised to rejoin the agreement during his campaign, and he signed an executive order on his first day in office to that effect. The US`s return to the agreement has been warmly welcomed by the international community and is seen as a positive step towards collective action on climate change.

In conclusion, the US joined the Paris Climate Agreement in 2016 but withdrew in 2017. Its withdrawal was a significant setback for global efforts to combat climate change. However, the US rejoined the agreement in 2021 under the Biden administration, which is a positive step towards collective action on climate change. The US`s return to the agreement is expected to help reinvigorate global efforts to tackle the climate crisis.